Monday, September 5, 2011

How the Girl with Big Hair became a Foodie Extraordinaire

I haven't always been a Foodie, in fact there was a time I thought there was only one type of shroom (gasp....I know!), I didn't know there was more to life than Taco Bell, Chick Fil-Al, and Pizza Hut. I'm almost positive I didn't discover my inner Foodie until I lived in Austin. I remember waking up one morning, a Saturday to be exact, and flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch. I landed on the FoodNetwork, and during this time is when it was pretty brand spanking new and rough around the edges. I think Rachael Ray's 30 minutes meal had just debuted - she had short hair back then and wasn't so suave in front of the camera. I remember her talking about how certain foods reminded her of a certain time in her life (blah, blah, blah) - I was so intrigued by her enthusiasm for food and the memories it brought back. I found myself watching the show again, again, again - each week. Then Paula Deen's show debuted - I was even more hooked! Who the hell was this crazy, old southern lady with sooo much spunk....and WHAT - she loved butter and mayonnaise as much as I mean I wasn't a freak of nature?!?!? As the weeks and months went by I became consumed with food, my brain was like a sponge and I would just absorb the information I learned on TV - I would spend HOURS watching FoodNetwork...I couldn't stop myself...I had to know more! Then came the nail that sealed the coffin - I discoverd Central Market.
For those of you that don't know what Central Market is - I refer to it as the place of all things holy. It's a Foodies paradise - a Willie Wonka Factory for Foodie Freaks - a fatkids playground. I began going to Central Market on a weekly basis, then a few times a week, then daily. I was determined to find some of the food items that people talked about on FoodNetwork. I wanted to start cooking these things. I remember going with my girls Michelle and Colby - they took me through the store and explained everything to me, they gave me the in's n out's of this place....the one thing that sticks out in my head to this day - "Don't forget to put stickers on the produce. The cashiers get pissy if they have to look stuff up". I don't know if it was the tone they used or the fact that I could get called out in front of a bunch of strangers, but to this day I still follow that rule.
As my obsession for FoodNetwork and Central Market grew - so did my passion for food. I made it a point to try something new every week from the market area, to try to make something I've never made before. I studied recipes, executed them and they were good - but not great. I couldn't figure out why I just wasn't feelin it, why it didn't have the flair that the food on TV had. It dawned on me one day, I remembered something my Mommy had taught me - cook to taste, yes follow the recipe -but taste it while you're cooking....duh!!!!
I began cooking for my friends and began cooking with them. It's amazing what you learn about people when cooking with them, you learn about the stories/memories behind the dish. I think that's what I love most - learning about people and their stories behind certain dishes. I remember Colby's stories about her Mom's cornbread stuffing, her Dad's dirty rice; Gina talking about her mom's spaghetti sauce; Michelle's Mom's potstickers and ponzu sauce, Valerie's Grandmother's German recipes; the list can go on and on.
Food became a way for me to express my love for others, an outlet for stress, and a way of life. Food kept me sane when I was in an insane marriage. I put all of my energy into creating recipes and cooking just so I wouldn't have to deal with my ex-husband and his insanity. Over time I've also learned that people connect over food, you learn about people by the food they eat, food comforts you when no one else can, and most importantly food nourishes your body, mind, and spirit.


  1. So happy that you finally have this up and running! Can't wait to see what's to come...

  2. I am totally inspired. This makes me wanna cook, too!
